What Precautions to Take before Getting Your Dissertation Published?

Publishing your dissertation is a good way to share your knowledge with others and earn some money as well. Otherwise, the dissertation has no value after you get grades for it. A well written dissertation can get you publicity in the academic circle and you can apply for grants for carrying out further research on your topic. But, before your dissertation can be published to make an impact on the academic world, there are a few precautions that need to be taken. Here are the certain preliminary steps to be taken before you get your dissertation published.

Revise and re-revise

Revise your dissertation thoroughly, so that there is no mistake, both theoretically and grammatically. The ideas must be coherent and should give a clear and crisp image of what you are trying to convey in your dissertation. There is no point in rushing with your dissertation without adequate proofreading. Editors hardly respond to weak writing.

Rewrite to suit the audience

When you write your dissertation, your focus is to fulfil the university requirements and get good grades, but when you have to publish the dissertation the audience is different and you may need to rewrite some parts to attract the attention of your target audience.

Discuss the dissertation in the journalistic community

People who often get their dissertations published will be able to advise you on how to modify your dissertation to suit the target audience. There is a specific section of society who are interested in reading journals, so knowing their taste and preferences before hand will ensure success of your publication.

Thus, by revisiting the dissertation in the light of the above precautions, you can substantially add value which will be beneficial for earning a good reputation in the academic world.

Category : Publication Ethics
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